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Aviation: Books

Selected Aviation E-Books

Click the ebook titles below to read these popular ebooks about aviation.

A Pilot's Accident Review: An In-Depth look at High-Profile Accidents that shaped Aviation Rules and Procedures (Published in 2015) - This ebook provides pilots with a study of safety procedures in intense circumstances, and a survey of high-profile incidents designed to build awareness of the most preventable factors in pilot error. 

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The Simple Science of Flight: From Insects to Jumbo Jets (Published in 2009) - In this ebook, you'll find information about general aviation, flight, and aerodynamics.

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Understanding Flight (Published in 2010) - This ebook also covers the topics of general aviation, flight, and aerodynamics.

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If you are browsing for a book, use the call numbers below as a guide.  

HE 9761-9900                      Air transportation. Airlines

TL 500-777                            Aeronautics. Aeronautical engineering



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Selected Aviation Books


Aircraft: The Definitive Visual History [TL670.3 .A373 2013 folio] - This is the ultimate guide to the amazing history of aviation.

Basic Flight Physiology [RC1075 .R45 2008] - Physiological aspects; aviation medicine.

Human error in aviation [TL553.5 .H87 2009] - Critical essays on human factors in aviation. Includes bibliographical references and index.

In the cockpit: inside 50 history-making aircraft [QL 758 .S746 2008] -  The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum holds the country's premier collection of historic aircrafts, but visitors must view these impressive structures at a distance. "In the Cockpit" captures the feeling of helming these historic craft with big, four–color photographs that will give flight enthusiasts a true pilot's eye view of many of history's most important domestic and military airplanes, jets, and helicopters.  

Selected Aviation Reference Books


Airplanes: The Life Story of a Technology [TL 515 .K45 2006 Ref] – this book discusses the history of aeronautics and airplanes.

The Aviation and Aerospace Almanac [HE 9803 .A1 A9 2003 Ref] – this handbook provides information pertaining to aeronautics and airlines in the United States.

Dictionary of Aeronautical Terms [TL509 .C73 2006 Ref] – this comprehensive dictionary contains over 10,000 entries for aviation-related terms. Some illustrations, tables, and lists are also included.

Encyclopedia of Technical Aviation [TL509 .B75 2003 Ref] – provides informative articles pertaining to various aviation-related topics such as density altitude, calibrated airspeed, and takeoff performance.

An Illustrated Dictionary of Aviation [TL509 .K78 2005 Ref] - provides definitions for aviation-related terms. Some entries include illustrations.

The Vital Guide to Commercial Aircraft and Airliners [TL 670 .V57 2000 Ref] – this encyclopedia pertains to airplanes and the history of airlines and commercial aeronautics.



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