Welcome to the Literature LibGuide. Click on the green tabs above (Books, Articles/Journals, or Selected Websites) to access literature-related resources. Note: Please report any issues with this LibGuide to Michael Mounce. His contact information is below.
DSU Library Home | Email: mmounce@deltastate.edu | Hours |
Call: 662-846-4457 | Directory |
Interlibrary Loan
If you are a DSU faculty member, staff member or student, you can request a book or an article from another library. To do an interlibrary loan request, you can go to the interlibrary loan department's web page on the DSU Library's website. Click this link to access it: Interlibrary Loan Department. On this web page, click the big green "Request Interlibrary Loan" link. If you need a book from another library, fill out the Book Request form. If you need an article from a journal, magazine, or newspaper, click the "Article Request" tab and fill out the Article Request form.
Research Consultation
If you are a DSU faculty member, staff member or student, you can request research consultation meetings with a research and instructional services librarian to help you whenever you're having difficulty with finding resources on a certain topic. To request a research consultation, go to the Reference web page at this link: Reference Web Page. When you are on the Reference web page, scroll down and click the "Library Research Consultation Form" link at the bottom of the page and fill out the form. As an alternative, you can call the research and user services department of the library (formerly called the reference department) at (662)846-4431.
Off Campus Access
If you are a DSU faculty member, staff member or student, you can access DSU's databases when off campus. When logging in to access databases remotely, you will log in with you DSU email username and password. For more information, contact the research and user services department of the library (formerly the reference department) at (662)846-4457 or refdesk@deltastate.edu.
Start by using Academic Search Premier.
Click the link below to learn how to better search EBSCOhost databases.
Zotero is a free personal resource(s) management system that does many things. In particular, it is very good for group projects & annotated bibliographies. However, this program needs to be downloaded & used on personal devices, not the library computers. Work in Zotero will not be saved to the library computers.