Welcome to the Physical Sciences LibGuide. Click on the green tabs above (Books, Articles/Journals, or Selected Websites) to access physical sciences-related resources. Note: Please report any issues with this page to: lmuffley@deltastate.ed
DSU Library Home | Email: refdesk@deltastate.edu | Hours |
Call: 662-846-4431 | Directory |
Email: lmuffley@deltastate.edu
*** A Library Liaison provides research assistance and educational orientations/classes to specific academic departments.
Physical Sciences Students: Please contact Asst. Prof. Muffley for research help. Students can request a Zoom meeting.
Physical Sciences Department Faculty: Please contact Asst. Prof. Muffley to schedule basic library orientations or a topical research class, either in-person or by Zoom. (Librarian Zoom recordings can be placed in Canvas courses.)
Start by using Academic Search Premier.
Click the link below to learn how to better search EBSCOhost databases.
ILL service attempts to borrow needed materials that the Roberts-LaForge Library does not own. Local students, faculty, and staff must come to the library to check out or make copies of materials that we do own. More information on interlibrary loan and filling out the form are available on the website.
Library Instruction and Student Consultation Requests
Library instruction sessions are designed to teach students how to effectively search the library catalog and/or electronic databases. Students may schedule a one-on-one session with a librarian by filling out a consultation form. Additional information on student resources is available on the website. Librarians are also available for consultation via email at refdesk@deltastate.edu or by phone (662) 846-4431.
The way that DSU students log into databases from off campus has recently changed. Instead of logging in with your 900 number and six-digit date of birth, you will log in with your DSU email username and password. Follow these steps:
Click the link below to access the printable Physical Sciences guide.
Zotero is a free personal resource(s) management system that does many things. In particular, it is very good for group projects & annotated bibliographies. However, this program needs to be downloaded & used on personal devices, not the library computers. Work in Zotero will not be saved to the library computers.
Library Catalog
Click on Catalog to find library resources.
Click the Library Databases link above to find journal articles available through our databases.
Click the E-Books Collection link above to find e-Books available through the EBSCO eBooks Collection.
Library Guides
The subject guides were created by the librarians to assist you with research tips using some of the selected resources. Access the library guides and choose the guide that best suits your needs.
Citation Guidelines
This guide provides videos, websites, books, and more resources on citation guidelines on APA, MLA, Chicago (CMS), Turabian, and ACS. Click the link to access these resources.