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Community Development: Selected Websites

Useful Community Development Websites

Click the links below to view the selected websites. 


Community Development Financial Institutions Fund – provides a general overview of the CDFI fund, which is a financial service available to communities in the United States to promote community development. This fund is associated with the United States Department of the Treasury.

DSU Center for Community and Economic Development - web site of Delta State University's Center for Community and Economic Development (CCED). This site provides information about the CCED and provides access to other resources, such as DSU's Business Assistance Center.

Mississippi Development Authority – Web site of the Mississippi Development Authority. Includes links to resources, career and program information, and other information.

Office of Community Planning and Development - This is the website of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Office of Community Planning and Development. On this site, you can find information about various programs, such as emergency solutions grants, and many resources.

USDA National Agricultural Library: Community Development Resources - On the Community Development Resources web pages, you can find information about downtown revitalization, economic and rural development, and other topics.



*Roberts-LaForge Library provides access to online journals through its Electronic Journals holdings. These holdings are accessible through the library’s home page: Searches may be done by subject, index, or title. Some titles may overlap with the library’s print subscriptions.  

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