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Nursing: Books

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 If you are browsing the shelves for a book, use the call numbers below as a guide.  

R   5-920   Medicine (General) RT 1-120 Nursing
RA 1-1270  Public Aspects of Medicine (Health)     RT 21 Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
RB 1-214  Pathology RT 22 Terminology
RC  31-1245  Internal Medicine, Practice RT 29-31 Statistics and Surveys
RD 1-181  Surgery RT 48-49 Nursing Assessment,          Care Plans
RG 1-570  Gynecology & Obstetrics RT 65 Medicine and Surgery
RJ 1-931  Pediatrics RT 81.5 Research
RM 1-931  Pharmacology RT 85 Nursing Ethics
RS 1-441  Pharmacy RT 90.5-116 Specialties in Nursing

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